

  • Do you have health issues?
  • Would you like a check up?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Do you need a vaccination?
  • Would you like information on contraception?
  • Do you want to take an HIV test or other tests?

For Fr. 60.- per consultation you can get examinations, advice and treatment at the “gyn-zentrum” at the Lucerne train station.

Without an appointment: Go there and wait until a doctor becomes available to you.

By appointment: Tel. 041 419 03 03 - please say that you would like an appointment for the Praxis am Bahnhof.

You say on the phone or at the reception that you come from LISA and pay the Fr. 60.- in cash.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, we always ask you to cancel by telephone.


You can stay anonymous if that's important to you. For your medical journal you have to enter your date of birth, telephone number or e-mail address.


gyn-zentrum Bahnhof Luzern, Zentralstrasse 1,

Monday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday & Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday & Thursday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

German, English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, Polish and Indonesian are spoken at the “gyn-zentrum”.

Eingang gyn zentrum Bahnhof Luzern
Standort gyn zentrum Bahnhof Luzern.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.8 MB



Do you have any questions? We can inform you about the following topics:

  • Job
  • Self employment
  • Safety
  • Residence permit
  • Taxes
  • Health insurance and reductions
  • Family income supplements
  • AHV
  • Operation
  • Career change
  • ...other

Contact us: 079 502 76 55 or or just drop by:

Tuesday  3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Franziskanerplatz 1, 6003 Lucerne

Meeting point with lunch

Every Tuesday from 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. (except school holidays) you can enjoy a warm meal in the Barfüesser Center (Winkelriedstrasse 5, 6003 Lucerne) for CHF 5.-, meet other sex workers and, if you would like to, get advice.

Working legally in Switzerland:

Info / SOS: LEXI App

The app with all the important information for sex workers


Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Español, Portugês, Română, Magyar, български, Polski, ไทย, slovenský.


Verein LISA

Franziskanerplatz 1

6003 Luzern

Telefon 079 502 76 55


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